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Online Service

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About Us

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Walking with Jesus and inviting others along.


CrossTrail Worship

Check out our new songs on the CrossTrail Worship YouTube playlist, including a new version of our original song...

Care Pantry

Start out the year right showing God’s grace by helping people struggling with food insecurity. Click the button to...

Sermon Series

A new 7-part series called Finding Peace begins Jan. 12! Inner peace is often elusive, but it is possible...


CrossTrail Worship

Check out our new songs on the CrossTrail Worship YouTube playlist, including a new version of our original song...

Care Pantry

Start out the year right showing God’s grace by helping people struggling with food insecurity. Click the button to...

Sermon Series

A new 7-part series called Finding Peace begins Jan. 12! Inner peace is often elusive, but it is possible...


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Christian community on the UNC campus


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Christ Community Church Chapel Hill

About CrossTrail

CrossTrail is a non-denominational family of Christ-followers here to show God’s love and bring the Good News of Jesus in word and deed within our community and beyond. One thing that sets us apart is the level of genuine relationships that you can experience as you become part of our community. Because of God’s presence among us, there is a spirit of unity and mutual care that is tangible and real.

Our Vision

It’s our purpose for everyone in our faith community to learn to enjoy Jesus’ presence more and more, to be formed in that life-giving relationship, and to be freed to walk in the goodness of his ways. We also want to intentionally point others to him so they can experience his goodness.

Live-streamed church services Chapel Hill

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Sign Up For Our Next Discover Class!

Discover Class is a one-time session offered periodically after our worship service. During this time, you will learn much about our church, ask questions, meet new people, and take the next steps toward involvement or membership.

Ginny Linnehan

I recently moved to NC, and when looking for a home church, I found the people at  to be very warm and friendly from day one. Pastor Chris is very personable and gives , thoughtful sermons that are applicable to everyday life. I am very happy to have found this church, one of the best .

Ginny Linnehan

Vanessa Pena

This is an incredible church! The community is kind and genuinely cares. This is now my church home, and I look forward to growing my faith with everyone I meet!

Vanessa Pena

Marcus Sanders

I cannot express enough how important building community and connecting with your church family is. This church, this community of believers does just that and blurs the lines of ‘church family’ and ‘relatives’. From the moment you walk into the conversations after service, the warmth and genuine love you feel spending time with this group of believers is second to none.

Marcus Sanders

Jeff Lowe

Great place with friendly, welcoming people. Lots of opportunities to get involved, and to build a better relationship with God and Jesus!

Jeff Lowe

Skip Vaccarello

My wife and I have been attending CrossTrail for around 8 months. We love it. Chris Workman is a talented preacher — engaging and challenging. Most importantly, his messages are biblically based. People are friendly and interested in welcoming guests who come. What we also like is that the church is engaged in the community with its food pantry, support of a UNC ministry, and hosts community events. One final thing…we also like the diversity — ethnically and with people of all ages, including an excellent youth program (where our grandchildren attend), and a youth program. I highly recommend CrossTrail for people who are just considering faith, for new Christ-followers, and for long-time believers.

Skip Vaccarello

Lori Pickens

Amazing church!! God is definitely the focus of every aspect. The people are very welcoming and show what a “church family” truly is. The worship team members pour out their hearts in praise every week. Pastor Chris delivers scripturally-based, engaging, memorable and personally applicable sermons. He’s my favorite pastor I’ve heard. If you’re looking for a church home, I strongly recommend CrossTrail!

Lori Pickens

Anna Kania

This is a diverse and welcoming  with people of all ages and cultural backgrounds that feels like family. The pastor is a gifted teacher who faithfully brings the Word of God into relevant and applicable focus for what we’re facing in our everyday lives. We’ve felt cared for and cared about with authenticity and a “come as you are” warmth. Many people give so much teaching and loving to our kids each week, too, through the  We started watching the service online first, but I’m glad we started going in person because we would’ve missed out on the richness of the relationships we’ve found here (and the energy of singing live with our worship team).☺️

Anna Kania

Katrinka Bootsman

I find this church a refreshing change!  are full of true faith, hope, and love! Every time I attend, I gain helpful, encouraging, and motivating things from the sermons. I’m delighted to learn new songs and sing praises with the wonderful worship team! This growing church is keeping busy, too…actively working in the community to spread help, joy, and Jesus’ Love. Here’s a place to come worship and then go out to serve! I’m so thankful to have found it!

Katrinka Bootsman

Shawna Workman

I love this church! From the worship team to the scriptural yet very practical lessons, the whole experience is warm and uplifting! I don’t live in NC, so I watch online. But even there, I can tell how much love this church family has and how it is a tight-knit group instead of random people who don’t know each other. I also love all the outreach they do in the community, including their care pantry, where they feed those less fortunate. I would be there in person every Sunday if I could!

Shawna Workman