Our Community

About Us

CrossTrail Community Church is a non-denominational family of Christ-followers here to show God’s love and bring the Good News of Jesus in word and deed within our community and beyond. One thing that sets us apart is the level of genuine relationships that you can experience as you become part of our community. Because of God’s presence among us, there is a spirit of unity and mutual care that is both tangible and real.

CrossTrail began as a multisite campus in 2017 and was released to become an independent, autonomous church in May 2022. We are excited about the journey and the opportunities ahead to minister with an even greater focus on the needs of our local area. People drive to our church from as far north as Roxboro to as far south as Pittsboro, from as far west as Hillsboro to as Far East as Cary. But Chapel Hill is the community we’re here to serve!

Our mission is walking with Jesus and inviting others along.

It’s our purpose for everyone in our faith community to learn to enjoy Jesus’ presence more and more, to be formed in that life-giving relationship, and to be freed to walk in the goodness of his ways. We also want to intentionally point others to him so they can experience his goodness.

The best way to get to know our church family is to experience it yourself. We encourage you to try five Sundays with us to get a good feel for the church, get acquainted with a few people, and find out where you belong. We look forward to meeting you!

Sign up for our next Discover Class to learn more about us and take the next steps.

Live-streamed church services Chapel Hill